File Focus, LLC.
Enhancing the File Management of Your Business Through Systems Administration
o Being able to track your asset throughout your organization regardless of whether it is in one room, one building, one State, one Country or Worldwide, 100% Pure Web based software will support you!
o Being able to departmentalize a tracking system to customize different department’s requirements while having powerful administrative rights to restrict or allow interdepartmental access.
o Using familiar (persistent) shopping cart technology for one step requesting, transferring, and reporting from your desktop.
o Being able to search for missing items using a portable RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Barcode reader simultaneously.
o Having the tools to grow as your requirements/policies change.
IMAGINE NO MORE! Our software is written on a platform that is designed to grow and interface with new technologies as advances are made, allowing you to:
o Know if your asset is where it belongs.
o Have an audit trail of who had what / when for the entire life cycle of your asset.
o Know who checked something out and when; passively-no line of site required.
o Be able to physically audit all of your traceable assets at any time by using either RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) or bar-coding or both tracking technologies at the same time.
o Transfer possession of an asset to someone remotely from the assets permanent storage location or vice versa.
o Receive a required asset without having to run it through a check in/out process.
o Passively remove and return assets to their permanent storage location using RFID technology.
A Pure Web solution that provides integrated tracking, labeling, archiving, and retention of assets within a local or global operation. Having the ability to set time limits on assets removed=total Recall! Best of all, search for your assets using your operation terminology! Our software doesn’t restrict you to using codes or pre assigned search fields. Even within your organization you can departmentalize the software so it works for everyone. Why should accounting have to use legals terminology to look up accounts/cases! Have one source to design, implement and support your tracking system. This same source has the expertise and man power to convert, test and relocate your assets if required.
Asset-tracking is here and has been successfully installed in multiple locations/environments throughout the DC metro area over the last 4 years.
Let us provide you a free consultation: Contact Alex Deleon @ 443-803-7461